Virtual Tutoring
Meet your tutor from the comfort of your own home at a time that works best for you! Book lessons as needed or set up a weekly time with one of our expert tutors.
Online lessons take place in our virtual classroom and work the same way as in-person lessons would with one-on-one personalized support.
Learn more about our virtual classroom here.
All of our tutors are experts in the subjects that they tutor in addition to having extensive tutoring experience. They also have the skills needed to ensure that their teaching style adapts to your unique learning style.
We always do our best to accommodate your ideal tutoring schedule. Whether it's once per week or every day, we will work with you to set up the schedule that best fits your needs.
Our student see results! Working with a tutor on a consistent basis can help you stay on top of your workload and ensure that you don't fall behind. We can also add extra lessons around exam time to give you that extra boost!
All of our tutors are experts in the subjects that they tutor and have extensive teaching and/or tutoring experience. They have all passed Ottawa Tutoring's standardized hiring tests and provided us with a clean vulnerable sector police record check.
We understand that, occasionally, some teaching and learning styles don't mesh. If your tutor isn't the best fit for you, let us know and we will recommend another tutor to work with you instead. No questions asked.